Jesus Where Are You
Jesus, Where Are You?
“Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them.” Mark 6:47-48
Have you ever walked through something so difficult, so terrifying, that you’ve caught yourself asking, “Jesus, where are You?”
Sometimes when life gets messy, it can feel like our Lord has gone missing.
I’m sure that’s how the disciples felt in an incident that happened right after the feeding of the 5,000. They got in a boat and quickly found themselves in rough waters, tossed by strong winds. They strained at the oars as the realities of life beat against them.
These were experienced fisherman who spent their life on the water so to be frightened for their lives the storm had to be bad! They were completely helpless and swallowed up by fear. They were in a mess!
I certainly can’t blame them for being afraid in that moment. Sometimes it’s hard not to be completely consumed by fear in the midst of our problems. Especially when we feel helpless and our circumstances look hopeless.
Oh, how thankful I am that even when our storms cause us to lose sight of hope, Jesus never loses sight of us.
While the disciples were in the boat straining, Jesus was on the mountainside praying. From His high vantage point, Jesus could see the middle of the lake where the disciples were.
“Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them” (Mark 6:47-48
Jesus saw them! I love that! HIs eye is ever searching for us! So He came right to where they were!
The same miracle worker who multiplied the fish and the loaves was now walking on the water near them, and they thought He was a ghost. They were terrified and then amazed, but they didn't understand, for the Scriptures say, “their hearts were hardened”
What I want us to notice, though, is Jesus’ response to the disciples who missed Him and who cried out in fear, not faith. The Scripture says immediately He spoke to them and said, “Don’t be afraid” (Mark 6:50. The word used here means “don’t resist Me.” And He climbed into the boat with them. He got right into the middle of their mess!
He’s saying the same thing to you and me. He’s not running from our mess!. He’s climbing in to be right there with us. And with His presence comes peace.
In the middle of whatever hurts and heartbreaks are disrupting our peace, I pray we will see Him coming. We no longer have to cry out in fear; we can call out in faith. Calm and trusting. Anxious for nothing. Because we know. We know He sees us. We know He’s for us. We know He’s in control.
“Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them.” Mark 6:47-48
Have you ever walked through something so difficult, so terrifying, that you’ve caught yourself asking, “Jesus, where are You?”
Sometimes when life gets messy, it can feel like our Lord has gone missing.
I’m sure that’s how the disciples felt in an incident that happened right after the feeding of the 5,000. They got in a boat and quickly found themselves in rough waters, tossed by strong winds. They strained at the oars as the realities of life beat against them.
These were experienced fisherman who spent their life on the water so to be frightened for their lives the storm had to be bad! They were completely helpless and swallowed up by fear. They were in a mess!
I certainly can’t blame them for being afraid in that moment. Sometimes it’s hard not to be completely consumed by fear in the midst of our problems. Especially when we feel helpless and our circumstances look hopeless.
Oh, how thankful I am that even when our storms cause us to lose sight of hope, Jesus never loses sight of us.
While the disciples were in the boat straining, Jesus was on the mountainside praying. From His high vantage point, Jesus could see the middle of the lake where the disciples were.
“Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them” (Mark 6:47-48
Jesus saw them! I love that! HIs eye is ever searching for us! So He came right to where they were!
The same miracle worker who multiplied the fish and the loaves was now walking on the water near them, and they thought He was a ghost. They were terrified and then amazed, but they didn't understand, for the Scriptures say, “their hearts were hardened”
What I want us to notice, though, is Jesus’ response to the disciples who missed Him and who cried out in fear, not faith. The Scripture says immediately He spoke to them and said, “Don’t be afraid” (Mark 6:50. The word used here means “don’t resist Me.” And He climbed into the boat with them. He got right into the middle of their mess!
He’s saying the same thing to you and me. He’s not running from our mess!. He’s climbing in to be right there with us. And with His presence comes peace.
In the middle of whatever hurts and heartbreaks are disrupting our peace, I pray we will see Him coming. We no longer have to cry out in fear; we can call out in faith. Calm and trusting. Anxious for nothing. Because we know. We know He sees us. We know He’s for us. We know He’s in control.
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