The Blood On The Door

The Blood On The Door
“But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, against man or beast; that you may know how the Lord put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.” Exodus 11:7

Look at those words, “The Lord put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.”  What was the difference? The Egyptians and Israelites were alike in many ways. They were people and people are pretty much the same everywhere. But there was one striking difference.
 God had commanded the Israelites to put the blood of a lamb upon the door post of their homes. And He said, “When I see the blood I will pass over you”. And when the judgment of the Lord went through the land, death visited the homes of the Egyptians and the homes of the Israelites were spared. Why did some die and others were saved? They were all just people. One group was not better than another. They were all sinners.  So what was the difference? The blood on the door!  God put a difference between them and oh what a difference! It was the blood that made the difference! It wasn’t that the Israelites were better than the Egyptians. It wasn’t that they lived better or somehow acted better.
And to think that Christians who have been redeemed by His precious blood would dare think they are somehow better than others. How easy it is to forget where you came from. How unpleasing it must be to our Lord for us to look down upon those who don’t believe as we do when not all that long ago we walked right where they are! We should never look upon our friends who have not yet accepted Jesus as our enemies. It should never be us against them! We must remember that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood”. Jesus died for all the world and He loves all people no matter how much we may be revolted by their lifestyle. By acting like spiritual snobs we run the risk of alienating the very people we have been called to love into the kingdom!
We must never forget that God “put the difference” between us and others. It was not our doing. God said “When I see the blood I will pass over you”. He did not say that when we act a certain way, or do a certain thing that He would cover us. He did not say when we understand the blood. He said “when I see the blood”. He must see it! I must have it on the door of my life. I must be under the blood and that is all. The eye of God has searched for the blood and rested there and that should be sufficient for all. Surely I can rest under what God has found to be satisfactory and know that I need add nothing to it. So the only difference between the believer and the non-believer is the blood of Jesus. Nothing more is needed and nothing less will do.

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