What Does God's Love Look Like?

What Does God’s Love Look Like?   

1 Corinthians 13:3
Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

In this beautiful chapter Paul gives us a description of unconditional love. He shows us what the love of God looks like! As we go through the list below remember that we are looking at God and not at us! None of us can look at this chapter and say that’s me! But we should be careful also not to feel condemned because we fall short of the mark. See this as God intended for you to see it, as a Godly Purpose for your life!

Love Suffers Long Or Is Patient
This means Love has patience with imperfect people, which is everybody!

Love is Kind
This means Love Seeks Opportunities To Show Kindness to others.

Love Does Not Envy Or Is Not Jealous
This means Love Is Non-Possessive And Non-Competitive

Love Does Not Parade Itself Or Does Not Show Off
This means Love Does Not Need Personal Recognition. Its Motives Are Pure.

Love Is Not Puffed Up Or Is Not Arrogant
This means Love Does Not Think Itself Superior To Others

Love Does Not Seek Its Own Or Always Insisting On Its Rights
This means Love Is Unselfish And Does Not Demand Precedence

Love Is Not Provoked Or Is Not Irritable
This means Love Is Not Touchy, Sensitive Or Hostile

Love Thinks No Evil Or Assumes The Best
This means Love Does Not Keep An Account Of Wrongs

Love Does Not Rejoice In Iniquity Or Find Satisfaction In Failure
This means Love Does Not Like To See Others Suffer Or Fall

Love Rejoices In The Truth Or Is Fair And Objective
This means that Love Seeks The Truth Above Personal Gain

Love Bears All Things Or Holds Up Others
This means Love Can Keep A Secret Or Cover A Fault

Love Believes All Things Or Finds The Good In All
This means Love Is Not Paranoid And Suspicious. Love Believes The Best

Love Hopes All Things Or Love Never Gives Up
This means that Love See Hope When Others See Defeat

Love Endures All Things Or Is Loyal
This means that Love Remains Unto The End And Is Completely Unconditional

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